Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Monster Fecund Stench Starring Ed Cone As Dr Frankenstein

The general consensus among many is that Ed Cone helped to create the monster, Fec, aka Jeff Martin, using him to the means of the elites, ignoring his anti-Zionist, anti-Semitic and racist comments as necessary to greater causes of profits for Greensboro's Elites and it is true there was no cry from the Elites when Jeff Martin crossed those lines.

Problem was, Jeffery Ray Martin was an uncontrollable monster and just like Dr Frankenstein, Ed Cone and the rest of Greensboro's elites eventually found that Fecund Stench knew no master, no bounds in his attacks and would victimize anyone, change positions without reason or notice and devour his handlers even when they came arms filled with tasty morsels of the Fec's favorite flavors.

After all, Jeff Martin's criminal record was no secret. And Edward did make every effort to portray Dr Mary Johnson-- one of Jeff Martin's victims-- as insane. Worked for a while. Sick bastard even fooled me.

What say you Edward, my place or yours? Your days of virtual voyeuristic orgies are over, you are now cast in the midst of the public affray, the subject, along with others who will be named soon. Surely, despite Jeff Martin's hatred for me he is laughing at you now and it cannot be undone for despite your own efforts to lay low and hide behind the antics of others less skilled in the art of online debate, in which you have trained me well these many years, myself and many others about town know the truth all too well.

And while you willingly played a game to serve the ends of those who wield power in our little berg, your family name, one of the greatest names Greensboro has ever known, will soon be blackened as those who pull your strings cut them off leaving you to fall without a trace back to them for even though you served them well when this is over and done Greensboro's Elites-- themselves monsters in their own right-- will consider you just a far distant relative of a once great but now fallen family no longer of consequence.

Then the coveted appointments and lavish checks for hobby jobs will no longer come. I wouldn't be surprised if they change the name of the hospital and several foundations before all this is over with. (Hyperbole? Hey, I'm a poet, remember? I didn't choose to do this, it chose me.)

Tyrannicide is such an ugly business but someone must do it-- might as well be me. And I hate that nice guys like Edward F Cone must fall but Ed chooses to stand between myself and my targets. I once asked him politely to get out of the way-- he refused. Who knows, perhaps I'll let Fec loose again, he's really pissed off now.

And while Jeff Martin hides his blogs from public view, this blog ain't going nowhere. Ask the gangster Rocco Scarfone, he'll confirm.

Come on out and play Eddie. I confessed, your turn.