Tuesday, October 3, 2017

The Clark Porter Lawsuit Court Documents

William Clark Porter IV, a committee chairman for the Guilford Republican Party was charged back in February 2017 with filing post-election protests with the Guilford County elections board that contained inaccurate and defamatory statements. But what you haven't seen in the media is that Mr Porter, who remains quite active in local politics was tried, convicted, and sentenced to pay at least $25,000 in damages.

I guess Mr Porter thought I was bluffing when I told him I had the court documents. Maybe he'll think twice next time he calls me a liar. Click on tried, convicted, and sentenced to pay at least $25,000 in damages to read what the court decided.

And remember: these are the people who run your local government.

Correction: This document is a complaint, not a court order as I reported above.

Read more here: http://www.newsobserver.com/news/politics-government/state-politics/article131483254.html#storylink=cpy

Read more here: http://www.newsobserver.com/news/politics-government/state-politics/article131483254.html#storylink=cpy