Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Amy Murphy not answering questions on why she endorsed Greensboro's crooked pols


Then Amy unfriended me, but didn't block me, which I assume she will do once she reads this, as she posted the following after endorsing those who enabled and voted for additional debt, much of which is going to our current council's biggest campaign contributors;


So what exactly does Amy Murphy stand for, if an earlier post suggests borrowing to spend millions?

So who did Amy endorse?

Both Nancy Hoffmann and Mike Barber are crooked, Marikay doesn't do anything and Yvonne votes for every give away to those who fund her campaign

Amy Murphy endorsed the entire City Council she just criticized for over borrowing after lobbying for more borrowing
Greensboro council taxed the City's poor who Amy Murphy says she represents to give a parking deck to Tuggle Duggins and Roy Carroll


Amy Murphy endorsed a City Council which succumbed to extortion by UnitedHealthcare, with overt, unethical and illegal help from Justin Outling


Amy Murphy doesn't know "how sold out Greensboro's local press and so called fiscally 'conservative' City Council members are"


Amy Murphy must not understand the Regressive Taxes our City Council burdened upon our poorest citizens were voted for by the folks she endorsed; "Greensboro increased its vehicle tax from $10 to the maximum allowed"


Amy Murphy must not understand that The City of Greensboro's former Assistant Manager Mary Vigue, former Say Yes Guilford Director, was directly responsible, along with City Council and other City staff, for doing Greensboro's employees wrong


Was Amy for Marty Kotis re-upping his campaign bribe funded $359,883.33 gift from his City Council cronies?

My guess is Amy, who appears to be a genuinely good and caring person  just got used as a pawn in someone else's game