Saturday, October 6, 2012

Billy Jones Wins! Greensboro Wins!

It's a small victory over the crooks that are robbing Greensboro but a victory just the same. On Wednesday, May 30, 2012, while researching my ongoing book, Greensboro Partnership Exposed two months to the day before the News & Record, I made public the fact that Betty Cone's Grassroots Productions Limited Wasn't Filing Required Federal Tax Returns. I then went on to explain that Ms Cone's tax evasion was the result of a botched but deliberate attempt to convert Grassroots from a non profit to a for profit corporation. Greensboro's elite accused me of every sin they could dream up and every sin they will ever dream up. How dare I pick on Betty Cone when in fact I said Betty was taking the fall for someone else.

Well, as these things are usually done, this announcement comes on the weekend in the hopes that fewer people will read of it but come it does. In today's News & Record we find, Greensboro to enforce rule on private funding.

No, there's no mention of me in the News & Record and that's okay. I'm not running for office and didn't do it to get my name in the paper. But you can bet that a public records request will turn up my e-mails to City Council even if they and their bought and paid for local media outlets do try to ignore me. It's just that when a city destroys your home you get pissed off and I finally got pissed-off enough to fight back. And if I can help the rest of Greensboro and Greensboro's communities while I work to end the corruption that destroyed my home then so be it.

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And believe me folks, that is not the end of it. I've been promising political heads are going to roll and this is just the beginning.