Monday, October 15, 2012

Robme Was Wrong Again

The evil Robme Perkins has been touting "shovel ready" industrial parks and corporate campuses as the way of the future for Greensboro, even citing the success of Durham's State funded Research Triangle Park built 50 years ago as a model we should follow but as luck would have it, this article in The New Republic shows that Durham and RTP are moving in the opposite direction as RTP isn't as rosy as Robme makes it seem.

"Underlying the trouble was a significant change in how corporate research and development works: Companies don’t make the same kinds of long-term investments that they used to, preferring instead to lease space as needed for big projects. These days, places like Austin and Seattle seem like pretty attractive places to do that, for reasons beyond just the economics of office leases. The current generation of tech workers doesn’t want to toil in the soulless Office Space complexes surrounded by moats of parking that dot Research Triangle Park’s sprawling vastness. According to a source with knowledge of the redevelopment process, attendance rates at the Park’s companies had declined significantly in recent years, as more and more employees decided to telecommute and skip coming into the office at all. "

In other words, the only folks who stand to gain from the evil Robme's plans are Mayor Robme Perkins and his developing demons. Well here's a little lesson, Mr Mayor, once the trolls have been angered they can never be put down.

Link via Troll supporter, Ed Cone.