Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Myth Of Megasites

All across North Carolina and Virginia, cities and counties like Greensboro and Guilford are pushing for 1000 acre "shovel ready" megasites so that we can be ready when the next big manufacturer or financial institution comes to town. But what if they don't come?

Locally we have megasites built or being built in Linwood, Randolph County, Montgomery County, Moore County and Chatham County with Greensboro and Guilford County pushing to do the same.

So what happens when all 100 NC counties bulldoze 1,000 acres each to build megasites? We end up with 100,000 wasted acres of land statewide and still no jobs. One hundred thousand acres wasted. Remember what every land speculator says: "They ain't making any more land."

And all the while there's 500 already bulldozed acres unused that belongs to the City of Greensboro and at least 2000 more available acres inside the planned Urban Loop all located in East Greensboro.

We can't do much about those 99 other North Carolina counties but if you'll come to the Mayor's East Greensboro Summit, aka, the Gathering of the Trolls, tomorrow night at Dudley High School 6-8 PM I'll be happy to explain a Greensboro economic development plan that doesn't require megasites or new buildings.