"Guess this means there can be no future expansion of the Greensboro Historical Museum..
Why is there the assumption that there will be no future need of growth that should be addressed?
History stops Here." -Ginia Zenke on site selection for the downtown Greensboro Performing Arts Center.
I've never actually met Ginia, only knowing her from blog threads, newspaper and magazine articles but I do know and have done a small amount of business with her brother, and have on occasion met her mother when I made deliveries to her home. Greensboro and Guilford County committed atrocities against the Zenke family in the name of progress. Now the City wants to do the same to the rest of us. The family's history and historic interest in Greensboro and Greensboro's history is deeply ingrained. Possibly like Ms Zenke, I fear Greensboro's "movers and shakers" are about to shake the life out of Greensboro as they stop our history dead in its tracks.
And while my efforts to put GPAC in the little green circle on Phillips Avenue really were a trick to throw off downtown boosters, it is one more reason among many why Northeast Greensboro was the better location. You see, there is nothing historic to disturb.