Tuesday, November 20, 2012

News And Record Skips A Beat

In the News & Record editorial, Mayor’s fiscal cliff? the editors fall short of calling for the resignation of Mayor Robbie Perkins citing, "Even the redoubtable Donald Trump has filed for bankruptcy four times."

They also failed to mention that Donald Trump's father, Fred Trump, left him with with more money than Donald makes today.

And that the Mayor stole $16,000 from his father-in-law.

Or that the Mayor hasn't paid child support in a year or more.

Or that the Mayor acquired his business, NAI Piedmont through a hostile takeover from his first wife's father when it was NAI Maxwell.

Or that the Mayor's company, NAI Piedmont Triad is not listed with the NC Secretary of State. Okay, so that one threw me so I did a whois search to learn that Robbie's website http://naipt.com/ is owned by Maxwell Associates of Drums, Pennsylvania, telephone 570-708-8780. It was in-fact only in 2007 that Robbie Perkins assumed control of NAI Maxwell, pushed Richard Maxwell out of the company and changed the name of the company to NAI Piedmont as noted in the annual reports for Piedmont Triad Commercial Properties, Inc., the real name of the company Robbie Perkins runs. Even the commercial real estate empire he claims to have built was built by someone else.

I could go on... You see, it's about character. If Robbie Perkins would do those kinds of things to family, his wife, his daughter, his fathers-in-law... what would he do to us for nothing more than greed?

The case has been made, it's time the Greensboro City Council demanded the resignation of Mayor Robbie Perkins. And the saddest part is, the Mayor believes he's done no wrong.