Monday, November 19, 2012

Not All NC Cities Are Created Equal

From One + one GSO:

"This is how Cary NC does it!:

"Downtown BID Funding – No Tax Increase

North Carolina General Statutes for a BID provide that the City Council, upon determining that an area warrants a service district, may tax the property within the district at a rate determined to generate enough revenue to support the additional services to be provided by the district.

The Cary Town Council is not implementing a separate or additional tax associated with the Business Improvement District. The tax rate inside the BID will remain the same as the tax rate in the rest of the Town. " - townofcary .org"

Do I need to remind you of how the City of Greensboro and Downtown Greensboro Inc did it? How the continue to do it? And how the hope to do it in the future? And while I might not be in 100% agreement with providing extra services at no extra cost, I see no reason why the City must pay a 3rd party to do what the City of Greensboro is better able to do than DGI has demonstrated themselves able to do.