Wednesday, December 5, 2012

On Tony Wilkins' Blog Posts

You'll not find me agreeing with Tony Wilkins on many national political issues. The liberal in me and the conservative in him won't allow it to happen. That said, I've always believed Tony to be honest and frankly I prefer honest politicians I disagree with over liars who tell me what I want to hear.

Much adieu was made at last night's City Council meeting over Tony's blog posts "attacking" a couple of City Council members past and present. My thoughts: It's about time the council learned to live with the consequences of their actions. All this nice in public crap while stabbing the citizens in the back that council is so fond of doing is far more dangerous than anything Tony Wilkins, myself or any other blogger could ever accomplish with keyboard and computer.

Truth hurts, get the fuck over it.

Welcome to City Council Tony, Greensboro needs you.