Tuesday, December 4, 2012

What If The Tin Foil Hats Are Right?

By now we all know about the years of lost archives at the Greensboro News & Record. Well just so you know, thanks to Greensboro City Councilwoman Nancy Vaughan, many of us now know how to access N&R archives from the Greensboro Public Library via our Internet connections. I renewed my library card last night.

But what if the tin foil hat crowd is right and the N&R did deliberately remove their years of online content from the web to appease Greensboro's elite and cover up for their own involvement in years of underhanded dealings? I guess we'll never know, right?

Well there is one way we'll know if the tin foil hat crowd was right: If the News & Record archives don't soon appear back online, comments, hyperlinks and all, it will be pretty safe to assume the management of the N&R wanted it all erased from public memory.

True or not, that's what most of Greensboro will always believe.