Saturday, January 5, 2013

Doug Clark Supports Gambling To Support GPAC

News & Record Editor Doug Clark was quick to condemn sweepstakes gambling on his blog but when I pointed out that sweepstakes gambling was a planned means of paying for the construction of the Greensboro Performing Arts Center, Doug backpedaled and wrote,

"If they exist, they should pay whatever taxes the city sets. How the revenue is used is a matter of public debate.

To which I replied:

"Come on Doug, talk about not taking a stand, have you no guts at all? You can openly oppose gambling until its pointed out to you that gambling was a planned means of supporting GPAC then you turn tail and say it's a matter of public debate? You, Doug Clark, are as big a part of the problem as anyone. Be a man, take a stand no matter who stands to gain."

For you see, as long as the Doug Clarks of the world are willing to accept businesses that are designed to prey on the poor as a means to fund projects for the rich, his "conviction" is really of no consequence and no concern. Doug remains but another soul sold to the status quo.

Sad, isn't it.

Come out and say it Doug, No sweepstakes gambling, not even for GPAC, not even if it causes GPAC to fail. Show us you've got balls.