To figure out what the rest of Greensboro knew all along: Greensboro neither wants nor needs GPAC. We don't envy Durham's pathetic little 4000 seat PAC, we have a 25,000 seat Coliseum! And an amphitheater! Durham ain't squat! Perkins says he's not married to GPAC, wants to hear other ideas. But I know for a fact he and the rest of the Greensboro City Council already know about the Downtown Greensboro Aquarium Project. The problem for Mayor Perkins and his cronies is that they aren't in control of the deals and will never be. All the City of Greensboro needs to do is get out of the way and that idea and more will flourish without their documented impediments.
It's a new year, time for a new way. Quit funding the downtown "non profits" and the rest of the Greensboro Partnership. Let the City do its job, cut out the middle men and the management fees, reduce the tax on the BID and give Downtown and our neighborhoods our money's worth and get TREBIC out of Greensboro and Guilford County government. Improve our schools and make our neighborhoods safe, provide opportunities for all and not just for a few connected elites. Give us back our city!
Because if you think I was bad in 2012, you ain't seen squat!