Saturday, January 26, 2013

Matt Brown To the Rescue?

I have to say, it's nothing but hilarious when the elite begin to eat their own kind. First it was Ross Harris, Robbie Perkins' campaign manager and paid "volunteer" of the Greensboro Performing Arts Center Task Force who turned on the Mayor and the rest of the task force and now according to this weeks Rhino Times, Coliseum Manager, Matt Brown is stoking up the cooking fires as well.

"According to Vaughan, Brown has said the facility as currently proposed would overrun the $60 million estimated by AMS, the consultants hired by the task force."

Of course, what Brown and Harris are really doing are jumping like rats off what they believe to be a sinking ship. Not only are they concerned that GPAC will fail, they fear that Robbie Perkins is about to get the boot by Greensboro voters this fall and they want to be in good with the next administration before it gets in power. That is: if he isn't impeached for his role in Federal Securities and Exchange violations involving his actions while formerly serving as a board member at Newbridge Bank. Like Mayor Pro Tem Yvonne Johnson or not, she never used a forced takeover to steal a family business, was never sued for stealing from her in-laws and isn't a year behind on child support after only a year of separation. You may not agree with her but the lady has class that Robbie Perkins, Matt Brown and Ross Harris will never have.