Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Robbie Perkins On Greensboro's Tax Problems

Earlier today, Mayor Robbie Perkins chimed in on a discussion at Ed Cone's blog:

"We need to find the $6,500,000 to close the gap between projected revenue and projected expenses for 2013-2014 budget before we decide to cut the tax rate. Also, citizens need to look at the total cost of local government in order to make an apples to apples comparison. There are many ways for local government(cities and counties) to raise revenue, one of which is the property tax rate. Another way to lower the tax rate is to grow the tax base, especially with commercial properties that do not require as many services from local government."

So if we need to find a way to close the gap, why is the Mayor not pitching the idea of taking the downtown performing arts center off the table altogether? Otherwise the problem just comes back to bite us again.

Of course, what the Mayor is really trying to do here is pitch more industrial and commercial parks. Problem is: He hasn't sold the others we paid to build. They're still empty waiting on that imaginary corporate giant to come to the city with the highest taxes of all its peers  and hire us all when the businesses surveyed here said,

 “I think we have a 19th century government structure in a 21st century world.”


"Both the City of Greensboro and Guilford County ranked 2.73 and 2.70 respectively in business climate rankings from all respondents that weren’t part of the government focus group (on a 1 to 5 scale with 5 being the best), clearly noting that no one should accept that it is business as usual or that the status quo is acceptable."

Those 2 quotes are from a study the Mayor and the Greensboro Partnership have tried to keep secret.
Oh yeah, we'll grow that tax base alright. You just keep pitching that nonsense Robme and I'll keep catching you at your lies.