Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Story The News & Record Refused Goes National

George Hartzman tried his best to get the Greensboro News & Record to tell the story about how Wachovia and later Wells Fargo was intentionally ripping off Greensboro citizens but would the News & Record print the story? Hell no! As usual, they tried to paint George and every other Greensboro whistle blower-- myself included-- as looney, crazy and just seeking attention. Well guess what, the real journalists with the real credientals at Rolling Stone Magazine looked into what George Hartzman had to say and published, Secrets and Lies of the Bailout: One Broker's Story.

Remember Greensboro: George Hartzman is running for Mayor of Greensboro come November. Would you rather have a mayor with a record of lies or a mayor with a record of exposing lies?