Thursday, February 28, 2013

If I Am Appointed To The DGI Board

I will work to make all DGI meetings open to the public and put videos and meeting minutes online for everyone to see.

I will work to reduce and or eliminate the downtown BID taxes paid by businesses and residents alike.

I will push for more representation of minorities and non downtown stakeholders as 50% of DGI's public funding currently comes from outside the Downtown Central Business District.

I will work to end propaganda on the part of DGI.

I will push for DGI to understand DGI must represent all of Greensboro if the City as a whole can be expected to succeed.

I will demand DGI enter into a bidding process when selecting contractors for any and all contracts.

I will demand an end to pass-through fees. No more will public monies be shuffled from one "non profit" to another "non profit" with each taking their cut before the work is finally done.

I will work to bring an end to the shadow corporations and different names that Downtown Greensboro Incorporated currently uses to hide their nefarious transactions.

 Enforce term limits on all existing board members, now!

Stop all legislative initiatives and focus on community building ones instead

Recognize that downtown is a collection of neighborhoods and allow each neighborhood to select a representative ensuring that the candidate has a positive working relationship with the people he/she represents

Eliminate the Downtown Greensboro Foundation.

And more to be added.

Please click the following link to e-mail the Greensboro City Council and demand that myself and others be appointed to the DGI board of Directors or that all public funding to DGI be ended immediately.