Sunday, February 3, 2013

What A Difference 1 Police Officer Makes

While Fec has gone on the warpath against the entire Greensboro Police Department, I'd like to point out how just one marked Greensboro police car made a remarkable difference in my neighborhood just last night.

On Friday night around 6:30 I noticed a strange car parked next to my driveway as I went out to close up the chicken coop. It was parked on the wrong side of the road next to my privacy fence as if someone were trying to hide it. Being that the City of Greensboro built the street on my property there is no city owned right-of-way so they allow me to have my fence just inches from the street like it or not. This means the driver had a very difficult time getting out of the car. It other words, normal people won't park like that.

My neighbors confirmed to me they did not know who the car belonged to so I called 911 and gave them a description and tag number. The dispatcher explained that because of the high number of calls at the time I could expect a 2 hour wait unless it was an actual emergency.

In case you are unaware, this sort of parking is common in the buying and selling of illegal drugs and alcohol as it makes it harder for police and neighbors to pinpoint which house is actually being used.

Of course, by the time an officer arrived the car was gone and the officer's time had been wasted. I saw him drive past, slow and continue on. At about 11:30 the same strange car was back so I called again with I assume the result being the same.

All night Friday night the neighborhood was hopping, cars and people on the street everywhere, shouting, car stereos turned up loud, exhausts roaring. As is common, after the clubs closed Downtown another round began and went on for a couple more hours. My brother who lives one block away from me said it was the same way all around his house.

Saturday night began pretty much the same, the neighborhood hopping and the same strange car parked a block farther up the street. It wasn't outside my house so I didn't call the law this time. I finally decided to try and get some sleep despite all the racket. It wasn't working very well.

At about 10:30 I heard a short blast from a police siren right outside my home. I bounded from my bed and started peering out windows until I saw blue lights on the next corner to the west. I couldn't actually see the police car or who the officer had stopped but here's one thing I do know: until my rooster started crowing at sunup this morning you could have heard a pin drop anywhere in my neighborhood.

Let's train and deploy police officers, not gestapo.