Monday, April 29, 2013

If Greensboro's Leaders Were Really Interested In Economic Development 27

They would take a good hard look at the picture below.

You see, while it's true that American's spend less on food than any other nation, the poor spend a higher percentage of their income than the wealthy and the middle class spend the highest percentage of their income on food. And the saddest thing is: a lifetime of growing my own food has taught me that Greensboro has near perfect climate and soils for growing fruits and vegetables.

But beyond that, think of all the economic development that could be done with that 7%, 10% or 20% of Greensboro's wages that first get eaten then flushed down Greensboro's toilets if that same money were being spent on hard goods, durables that have a more long term effect on the economy. And it's not like you have to take the money from the people, all you need do is free it up so they can spend it... locally.

Think of the gas we could save. That gas money could go into local economic development as well. We are talking $Millions of Dollars a year in Greensboro alone.

You know, if Greensboro's leaders were really interested in economic development and not just getting fat and sick.

PS. Doing such things would also lower the tax burden on the middle class. Think about it. Alone we can't change the Federal Government but if Greensboro's leaders really cared we might be able to set a working example for cities across America to follow and when enough cities change, Washington and Wall Street will be forced to change. After all, all politics really are local.