Here's this week's IFYI. Of note: the Current Public Records Requests Update indicates that I received Yes Weekly Documents on April 11. They were unreadable and were pulled from the web by the City at midnight that same night. Myself and many others who requested them never got to read them and my e-mails concerning the problem went unanswered.
On my request for Confidential Informants Policies/Procedures requested on February 18. I have received nothing to date. The City is claiming I have been sent partial information but I'm betting the City of Greensboro is still writing their Confidential Informants Policies and Procedures, thus the real reason for the delay. I mean seriously, a procedure? The US Justice Department publishes their own Confidential Informants Policies and Procedures to the web.
You see, despite recommendations from the United States Justice Department that every police department have Confidential Informants Policies and Procedures in place, the vast majority do not. GPD is stalling and city staff is lying.
Of course, if you think I'm lying about any of this you can request a PIRT to I always use the name Billy Jones and the e-mail address I use is