Monday, May 20, 2013

Hartzman Says, Give me a lie detector test.

From an e-mail sent from Greensboro Mayoral Candidate, George Hartzman to Greensboro City Councilman Zack Matheny and Greensboro City Attorney, Mujeeb Shah-Khan. Seems Zack is denying the bribe from Downtown Greensboro Inc in the form of a cushy job as the President of DGI.

"Give me a lie detector test.

 Mr. Matheny has also said on the record of council that everything I said about soliciting campaign donations from some with business before council was also not true.

 You can ask me about that as well under oath and with a lie detector test.

 From a text sent after the phone call; GH; talked to zack… he says they approached him… says he will not be applying.

GH From our text messages; “u need to drop out of the fix dgi committee thing… asap.  I’d say u have max two days before it comes out. 11:43am

ZM; What comes out?

GH Looks like billy just posted on it.  The non public them offering u a gig while serving on the fix it committee...  get ahead of it.

ZM; But I haven’t applied.

GH; they offered.

ZM; Who offered what?

GH; r u saying u didn’t tell me dgi didn’t suggest u apply this morn?..."

They don't call me the Greensboro Tyrannicide for nothing.... And short of assassination there is nothing they can do about me. Are they willing to go that far, willing to bring State and Federal investigators into the goings on of Greensboro politics?

A bribe is a bribe is a bribe and had there been nothing to it Zack would have never replied with the following e-mail after my first posting. After all, Zack's deliberately failed to address everything else I've written about him in the last 2 years. Only the hit dog yelps.

Zack's reply to my first post. Click on it to make it bigger.

Yep, I got under his skin because he's scared... really scared. This goes beyond conflicts of interest. Failing to report an attempted bribe of an elected official is a crime punishable by law. This is bigger for Zack than just getting booted off City Council-- Zack can't even afford a good lawyer and after he loses his seat on Council, Mujeeb Shah-Khan and the City of Greensboro cannot legally represent him.

The sad part is: I gave Zack the chance to come clean... Honor among thieves? Don't count on it, Zack, they'll happily let you swing. I watched them do the same to others before you came to town.

And yes, there's more....