Friday, May 10, 2013

If Greensboro's Leaders Were Really Interested In Economic Development 37

This morning I'm quoting John G53 from who wrote:

"Greensboro needs a "brand" so why not be the biggest flea market between NY and Atlanta? Sure the storefronts could be filled with old lawnmowers and tons of clothes! Thousands of people would be walking our sidewalks every Friday and Saturday; visiting "The Green Bean" and other such establishments. We would get the visitors that were dreamed of when the city spent millions on the Feb 1 project and have a waiting line a block long! Our parking lots would be filled to the brim as visitors search for that "new" old firearm or the odd thinkamajig that they couldn't do without. "

Me, I'm thinking why not do it 7 days a week?

You know, as absurd as it might seem, second hand stores are bringing visitors from all over the East Coast to nearby Burlington. What was once factory outlet stores is now consignment stores and the buses still come. And it really is a better idea than anything Greensboro leaders have ever come up with. But as we all know, our leaders really don't care about economic development anyway.

By the way, I love sharing others' ideas for economic development-- that is, as long as it isn't the same old crap Greensboro has been failing at for years. Simply putting something old in a new box is not a new idea-- don't try me.