Thursday, May 16, 2013

If Greensboro's Leaders Were Really Interested In Economic Development 40

They would put all public records on the Internet in an .html based searchable database so that taxpayer Dollars would not need be wasted repeatedly paying City of Greensboro IT staff to search for hours to fulfill public information requests by myself and the many others who are searching for the truth. And let's not forget the current system subsidizes corporations who use public information for marketing purposes by gathering the info under the guise of concerned citizens. What? You don't think corporations are smart enough to know how to save a buck and pass off their expenses to the taxpayers?

As a matter of fact: in a recent meeting with members of Greensboro City Council and high ranking City staff including City Manager Denise Turner Roth, the Greensboro City Attorney and members of the City IT staff, it was learned that these records are already hosted on a website and that very option is indeed possible.

But our leaders don't want to make this sort of information cheaply and easily available to the citizens of Greensboro because they really don't care about economic development and would rather tax you to death and blame those of use who request information we would rather look up for ourselves.

Throughout this series, If Greensboro's Leaders Were Really Interested In Economic Development, I have pointed out many ways totaling $Millions of Dollars, Greensboro's "leaders" could be saving us and/or reinvesting into our local economy. Do they read them? Councilman Zack Matheny read what I wrote about him yesterday, I'm saving his e-mail reply for later. I send them e-mails almost daily. But still we see no mention, no effort of any new ideas, only the same fraud, corruption, and conflicts of interest that have plagued Greensboro for years. Sad, just sad.

But tonight a totally non partisan, grassroots collection of private citizens and local business owners from neighborhoods all over Greensboro are gathering to do something about it. This time, even Downtown merchants and residents are siding with those of us from Greensboro's many other neighborhoods no matter what our backgrounds, race or financial status. Tonight we fight back and everyone is welcome to join us. That is, unless you support the status-quo.

Plus, there's beer!