Thursday, May 23, 2013

If Greensboro's Leaders Were Really Interested In Economic Development 45

They would insist the News & Record publish the full Greensboro City Council meeting agenda and the results of the council meetings in the newspaper and not just bits and pieces in a blog almost no one reads.

You know, if they cared about economic development and not just hiding what they're really doing from the majority of the citizens of Greensboro.

Want change? Start telling all your friends about this blog as well as Roch101, Greensboro Mayoral candidate, George Hartzman,  the infamous Greensboro Troublemaker, Greensboro's Black Urbanist,  Keith Brown's Triad Watch, our newest, Dang and Greensboro101 where these and other alternatives to the local bought and paid for main stream media can all be found.

And don't just tell them, e-mail the links, forget the freaking "like button" on Facebook, share the posts! The damned like button is only good for stoking egos. Write down the names and URLs of our blogs and hand them to people. Get off your asses! Some of us are working overtime trying to keep the politicians from ripping you off again and again and you're doing nothing but bitching. I could be our riding motorcycles you know.

There are the people who are making a difference. And if by chance you are resigned to being just a Facebook user be sure to join Real Progress For Greensboro. 1st rule: No partisan politics, second rule, no spam. In almost 2 years the only people removed from the group were numerous spammers and one liberal who insisted on returning to partisan politics. And just so you know, I'm the liberal admin that deleted that member. Had I have been in a better mood that day I might have let it slide and should he ask to come back I'll give him another chance.

And the next time we tell you we're having a meeting-- show the hell up so we can kill the messenger that brings us the lies.