Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Zack Matheny, Conflict Of Interest?

Rumors floating around Downtown Greensboro are that Greensboro City Councilman, Zack Matheny, District 3, has applied to replace outgoing Downtown Greensboro Inc. President Ed Wolverton in taking over the helm at DGI?

Any truth to this rumor? Can a seated council person apply for a job in which said council person oversees before, during or after the hiring of the applicant? Is Zack not happy with his current employment? Anyone from DGI or the City of Greensboro care to answer?

I've got news for Greensboro's leaders: It might be you can ignore me now, but the day will soon enough come when ignoring my questions will find you unemployed in more than one realm. Now either we can play nice or life for you can only get harder. And Zack, if you think taking care of that baby is hard now, wait until it becomes child support and alimony. Ask Robbie.