Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Greensboro Revolution Builds

Nancy Vaughan has made the claim there were no numbers for the Phillips Avenue Grocery Store co-op and city ownership: that is a LIE! The assistant city manager, Andy Scott presented numbers in May. East Greensboro will remember that on election day.

I've grown tired of the lies.And I'm far from being the only one.  A revolution is brewing not only in East Greensboro but in all of Greensboro and this council will have blood on its hands. As a matter of fact: It already does: A few hours later:

Everything changes when you spend your life watching children bleed to death on the streets where you live. No longer can you tell yourself it's just politics, it becomes personal. Every time council plays these games I feel the knife in my back being twisted.

Have on council ever watched children bleed to death on the street? Have any ever literally been beaten almost to death, stabbed or been in a shoot-out? Even You enter politics because you have some dream about making the world better and I guess that's a good thing. You're passionate about it.

Me, for me it's about the ghosts of the children and the survival of those who remain. It's not politics, it's personal. And whether Greensboro's elites and this council wish to accept it or not you have blood on your hands:

All of you.

And don't tell me you appreciate my passion, I'm sick of being told that by politicians-- it's personal.

A revolution is building all over Greensboro. Exactly how it will manifest itself is not up to me but should the working class citizens decide to destroy what Greensboro's elites hold dear I will not stand in the way nor shall I attempt to dissuade them. After all, I'm only the messenger, only telling you what they want you to know and not a word more.

Yeah, I know I said I was being pressured to stop but I found back-up. The Tyrannicide is back with a vengeance and I know things that my reinforcements are planning that will bring City Council to their knees.

And one more thing: Goldie Fucking Wells and Ralph Johnson are not the community nor do they represent us! Get it!  Like I've said before: You're not doing it for the community when there's something in it for you.

Buy the way, in case you're interested, Goldie Wells happens to be in the non profit business. Taking your donations and tax dollars is how she pays her bills and how she plans to continue to do so.

And remember this, Dr Wells, I've lived in the Phillips Avenue community longer than you have. My black friends and I used to fish for bass, crappy and carp in a pond where your house sits today. I watched you come here and get in bed with Greensboro's elite and sell us out time and again just so you could stay in power.

Update: Proof that Nancy Vaughn's claims were wrong.