Monday, June 3, 2013

The Renaissance Community Co-op Needs Your Support

The Renaissance Coop
Committee is calling on its
supporters for June 4

The Fund for Democratic Communities is working with the Renaissance Coop Committee, providing them technical assistance as they develop their plan to open a community owned cooperative grocery store on Phillips Avenue in Northeast Greensboro. The following email was sent by the RCC Steering Committee. Please consider supporting their efforts!

Will we see you join us
on June 4 at City Council?

The Greensboro City Council is expected to make key decisions about the future of the Renaissance Center and our community at their June 4 meeting. Will you join us and stand up for the coop?
The Renaissance Center is the first item in the General Business Agenda, but is the 37th item scheduled that night. If you want to speak on the item, make sure you arrive at 5:30pm and place your name on the list. You will not want to miss our excellent Steering Committee members who will speak about the future of the center and our community!
Bring a book and snacks and settle in for the long haul. Or, watch the meeting on the public access channel on TV, and come on downtown when it's getting closer to the time for our item to be heard. You can also follow us on Twitter or Facebook. We'll be sending updates throughout the meeting announcing progress through the agenda, and letting folks know when the time is right to come on down to City Hall.
Your support continues to be critical to the success of this effort. See you June 4th at the Melvin Municipal Building, 300 W. Washington St. You can park for free in the Municipal lot at Eugene and Washington. Enter the building on the Plaza side.

To read the complete story of how Skip Alston, George Carr and Vernon Powell are trying to rip-off the taxpayers and steal a community co-op grocery store away from the community begin with What The Media And The City Aren't Telling You About The Renaissance Community Co-op Part 1. If you haven't read the ongoing series that includes documents, videos and e-mails I promise you'll be enraged with developers and Greensboro government.