Sunday, June 2, 2013

Wendell Roth, An Alternative To Zack Matheny

Finally, someone has stepped up to answer the challenge. Wendell Roth, founder of Waterra, a Greensboro company that provides a green alternative to bottled waters-- even flavored bottled waters-- has announced his intentions to unseat Zack Matheny from the Greensboro City Council.

Waterra is also a North East Greensboro business located at 2007 Yanceyville Street, though admittedly, barely east, but at least Mr Roth chose to provide jobs close to where they are most needed and not in some industrial park 10 miles outside the Greensboro City Limits like Councilman Matheny has repeatedly voted to do while seated on council.

Besides, while I rarely mention it, Greensboro has numerous poor neighborhoods just like my own not far from where Wendell Roth located his business. They need the jobs as well.

I like it when local business owners get involved in local politics. You see, business owners actually understand economic development. Yeah, I know Zack runs a business of sorts but check out Zack Matheny's consulting business. Those that can, do. Those that can't, consult.

This isn't an endorsement as I don't do endorsements but you know I'll probably be writing more about Wendell Roth in the coming months as I find out more about him (Seriously, could he be worse than Zack?) But in the meantime since I really do support local business and think you should too, why don't you contact Waterra about getting one of their vending machines installed in your business and have that old bottled water machine hauled away.

And if you need help getting rid of that old machine my former employer and good friend Chris at Salvage America (another East Greensboro business) can help you get it out of your way once and for all.

And remember: Tomorrow is Hell Day for the City of Greensboro-- stay tuned!

Hey, anybody seen my watch?