Thursday, July 25, 2013

Greensboro, The Only City That Could Pay To Film A Memorial To A Memorial And Destroy It At The Same Time

A preview of a movie currently being filmed by Greensboro Community Television, Inc. a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation that has been entrusted with the management of the public access television station in Greensboro, NC. and funded with taxpayer dollars provided from the City of Greensboro and I think, Guilford County. Cable channel 8 has been an excellent source of community programming for years.

Sadly, as this movie is being filmed, the grandstands have already been destroyed just this week as Mayor Robbie Perkins rushes headlong to destroy World War I Memorial Stadium, the oldest baseball stadium in North Carolina and the place where another movie, Bull Durham was filmed.

In the meantime, Greensboro Mayoral Candidate, professional investment adviser and former baseball softball coach, George Hartzman brings us a plan that could save the historic baseball venue, bring more revenue to downtown, add much needed jobs to East Greensboro and do so at little or no cost to the City of Greensboro.