Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Greensboro: Vote The Bastards Out!

So who can you vote for if you don't want to vote for who is already seated on Greensboro City Council?

For Mayor there's George Hartzman.
For District 2, Jamal Fox
For District 3, Wendell Roth
For District 4, Bill Knight
And At Large, Mike Barber, Jean Brown and Sal Leone

What have these candidates got going for us that our current leaders don't? Well, for starters, none of these guys have ripped us off and as best I can tell none of them are in the property development business so they're not likely to be partnered with Robbie Perkins and Roy Carroll. And so far none of them have been endorsed by TREBIC or the Simkins Pac. All more than you can say for most of our current council.