It's not all Nancy's fault. Robbie Perkins sets hard traps when he assigns council-members to tasks he'd rather not do and rather not be blamed for the outcome but candidates for Mayor should see it coming and prepare themselves for the worst.
When Greensboro residents were enraged about the way Duke Power trimmed trees I watched in amazement as Nancy Vaughan came up with a do nothing ordinance requiring weeks of her time.
And the Downtown Greensboro Incorporated debacle? Mayor Perkins was ready to cave to public pressure and end public funding to DGI as a way to win votes but tricked Nancy Vaughan into spending months running a committee to look into DGI. And what did Nancy and Zack Matheny come up with? A plan that increases funding to DGI. WTF?
Today Nancy is wringing her hands (Links to Facebook) over efforts by the State of North Carolina to end the right to Protest Petitions-- an effort began by TREBIC (Triad Real Estate and Building Industry Coalition) which was founded by non other than Robbie Perkins but Nancy never acknowledges the fact that TREBIC members make up the bulk of her campaign contributions.
Nor did Nancy ever mention that upping the ante to DGI would gain her the financial support of the Downtown elites like Roy Carroll, whose company is one of the highest ranking members of TREBIC.
You see, Nancy is under the misguided assumption that if she can somehow get herself elected to the office of Mayor she will have the power to change things for the better but Nancy is missing the fact that even if she wins, Robbie Perkins still pulls the strings for as long as Nancy continues to accept TREBIC blood money. That's right, even if Nancy Vaughn manages to win, Robbie Perkins will still be the not so secret Mayor of Greensboro just like Jim 'Bobblehead' Melvin before him.
In 2009, Nancy said, "I'll sit down and meet with them, but I won't sell my soul to them." referring to the Simkins Pac and yet she takes money from TREBIC, the very reason she credits for her return to Greensboro City Council in the first place.
Well here's a little lesson those of us from the hard streets of East Greensboro learn at tender young ages: You can never turn your back on blood money, it will always come to call. Nancy is being played by Robbie Perkins and as long as she takes blood money there is no way out. So tell us Nancy, do you want to be Mayor of Greensboro or Robbie's puppet mayor?