Sunday, July 21, 2013

NCCJ of the Piedmont Triad, Inc

I found the following picture on the Facebook page of NCCJ of the Piedmont Triad, Inc.

They teach this to our children and yet when as adults we point out that the local status quo is doing something wrong they quickly label us quacks, naysayers, troublemakers, nonconformists, outlaws or in the case of Greensboro's current Mayor, they call us, Trolls. Anyone who doesn't fit into their definition of what they see as the future of the city is pushed aside and not given a voice. As adults they do all the very things they teach our children to be wrong and justify their actions as just business or just politics. Or they will stand aside and do nothing.

They are the skum of the Earth.

And now you know why I've always suspected these sorts of programs to be brainwashing or indoctrination in one form or another. For as much as they say all the right things, in the end they always bend to the will of the politicians who control the flow of public money to their always strained coffers.

Do they do great things? Sure, but in the end the product they turn out will be more copies of what we have today unless we make people understand that these ideals we teach our children are in-fact bigger than profits, social status and control.

And if you look at who is in charge in Greensboro there is little doubt the message never made it to adulthood.

And I can't help but be suspicious of any organization who would proudly display Roy Carroll's name on the home page of their website.

Don't forget, tomorrow is Hell Day and it begins with the enormous cost overruns in building the Downtown Greenway-- the cost overruns the City of Greensboro and Action Greensboro are hoping you'll not find out about. And yes, autopost is loaded, aimed and the safety off.