Thursday, July 4, 2013

The British Imposed Curfews On The Founding Fathers As Well. How'd That Work Out?

Four adults and seven teenagers are arrested for fighting in what Greensboro Mayor Robbie Perkins and the media falsely described as a riot in Downtown Greensboro on Saturday night and every teenager in Greensboro gets punished with a downtown curfew on Independence Day, July 4th, the very same day our nation celebrates its independence from an overbearing, punitive British monarchy who cared more about making its subjects follow orders than it cared about addressing the actual issues that brought about the tiny insurrection that eventually lead to the overthrow of the largest and most powerful empire in the history of the world.

Kids, some of you will turn 18 between now and election day come November. You might want to remember that the only member of the Greensboro City Council who didn't vote against you was Councilwoman T. Dianne Bellamy-Small of District 1. She makes a lot of dumb mistakes and I call her on them quite often but she cares about the kids in her district and actually has a clue what it's like growing up poor in Greensboro.

And she defiantly ain't British.

You can click here to learn how to register to vote, download a voter registration form or pick up a mail-in voter registration form at any Greensboro Public Library.