Thursday, August 8, 2013

Dirt: Dawn Cheney, Nancy Hoffmann And The New GPAC Site Selection

Today the various media outlets are confirming what I told you Monday is the new site for the Greensboro Performing Arts Center. Today we learn that none other than Downtown Greensboro Incorporated Chairwoman and Greensboro slumlord, Dawn Cheney owns property directly across the street from the newly chosen site. Being the site was picked in closed chambers I can't help but wonder how Dawn's buddy, Nancy Hoffman voted this time 'round.

The property, 221 Summit Avenue, aka the Flatiron Tavern: Note: This is not a reflection on the Flatiron, their management or their patrons. They cannot help the fact that their landlord is a skumbag slumlord who bribes local politicians to cheat the taxpayers. It's not their fault. As always, clicking on any of the pictures makes them bigger.

From the Guilford County Register of Deeds:

From the NC Secretary of State:

And you can bet this isn't all the dirt we'll find under this old rock. More to come.

Update: How about Pay to play? $500 from Dawn Cheney to Nancy Hoffmann