Thursday, September 26, 2013

Fire The City Of Greensboro's Real Estate Brokers

The City of Greensboro has 4 licensed real estate brokers on staff drawing monthly pay checks, employee benefits, vacation pay and accruing retirement at the expense of Greensboro taxpayers but when it came time for the City of Greensboro to buy $Millions of Dollars worth of downtown properties to secure a location to build the Steven Tanger Performing Arts Center... Well apparently Greensboro's 4 licensed real estate brokers were not on the job.

Were they partying, living it up, traveling the world, asleep in their offices? Or simply taking 18 months of personal days? No one seems to know.

What we do know is that for whatever reason the City of Greensboro found it necessary to find an outside real estate broker, David Hagan, who is U.S. Sen. Kay Hagan’s brother-in-law, and pay him over $586,000 in commissions on the properties bought by the City of Greensboro and designated to be used as the site for the new performing arts center.

And while we're at it, let's find out who those brokers work for and fire her too.