Tuesday, October 1, 2013

How To Trade Food Stamps For Wine And Beer In Greensboro

If you live in Greensboro, North Carolina there are no less than 3 ways to get beer and wine with your food stamps. Now never mind that doing so is illegal, here in Greensboro it goes on every day of the week. I'll explain.

The first way to do it is to walk into any one of a number of convenience stores located in east and south Greensboro-- the ones that take food stamps-- pick up a bottle of wine or beer and walk to the counter with your food stamp card in hand, prepared to be grossly overcharged and loving it. Of course, with this or any of the other ways, if you're not a regular or don't smell like a 3 day drunk you'll probably be turned away by a frightened store clerk with a foreign accent.

Another way it's commonly done is by buying food with your food stamps then returning the groceries to the store for a cash refund. Expect to get back about half as much as you paid for the groceries. Then buy your wine or beer with what you have left. No matter which method you choose, the going rate is $100 in beer and wine for $200 in food stamps.

Some guys go to the grocery store, buy groceries then sell the groceries to the convenience store. But not for long as that's a privilege reserved for people who own cars and this kind of customer doesn't keep a car for very long.

Still another way is to loan your food stamp card and PIN number to the clerk who checks it via the internet to verify the amount then returns it to you in a couple of days when you've drank up everything that was on your card. In the meantime, he and his friends went shopping for inventory to stock the convenience store.

How did I learn about this? I have several neighbors here in east Greensboro who sit on their porches drinking wine and beer every day while talking loudly about all the ways they manage to get their wine and beer. Me, I just work quietly in my yard and gardens getting them ready for next year's vegetable crops and listening as Greensboro's working class communities slowly die.