Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A New Trend In East Greensboro

I'm not certain if it's the economy or a change in attitudes but a change is happening in east Greensboro that will rattle the very foundations of the political structure in what has been my neighborhood for the last 57 years.

East Greensboro is slowly but surely becoming lighter.

With each passing month over the course of the last few years I've noticed more young Hispanic and White families moving into my east Greensboro neighborhood as African-American families move out. It's not a tidal wave but things are changing and in doing so the leadership of east Greensboro will be forced to change with it.

I look forward to seeing Jamal Fox, a young African-American who is able to look past race, take his position to represent my east Greensboro voting district on the Greensboro City Council. No more should race be the reason any man or woman is elected to any district and no more will the white minority in District 2 and the rest of east Greensboro be shunned by our elected leaders as has been done in the past.

As East Greensboro becomes lighter and the established corrupt political structure starts to crumble, Greensboro can finally be whole, a city no longer controlled by the elites, a city where every child in every neighborhood no matter the color of his or her skin, has an equal chance of success.

For you see, for all those years east Greensboro's established political leadership has been in power they have never delivered on their promises to improve the lives of the very people they claimed to represent. Much less the rest of us who were trapped in their districts.