Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Riley Paving Company: Updated

 First Posted: October 25, 2013

Riley Paving Company is apparently paving my street, Textile Drive, today. Their pilot car isn't marked as a pilot car, there are no barricades or signs on cross streets indicating that construction is going on. The flagmen do not have any sort of flags or signs. The pilot car runs the same stop sign in both directions and I'm told by a flag man who has no flags or signs that the unmarked pilot car doesn't have to stop because it is a pilot car.

Oh, and traffic is moving in front of the pilot car.

Update: I e-mailed this same message to the Greensboro City Manager and City Attorney along with the following statement: "Now that I have informed you it is my understanding the City of Greensboro is now liable."

In less than 15 minutes city inspectors had arrived on the job and stopped all work until Riley Paying had the proper safety procedures in place.

Which begs the question: Where were the city inspectors before I sent my e-mail?

I'm happy to say my street is now repaved and appears to have been very well done.