Sunday, January 19, 2014

Chaney and Hoffman: Vultures Circling Over Downtown Greensboro

Dawn Chaney and Greensboro City Councilwoman Nancy Hoffman are buying a building together. The owner, Lee Andrews (an African-American lawyer) died a couple of months ago, so they essentially took advantage of the grieving widow.You know, like vultures preying on the dying before their hearts stop beating.

The building they're buying is next door to Hoffman's building at 302-304 S Elm where Scuppernong Books and Wine Bar is located-- the same building that received City funded Downtown Greensboro Inc incentives even though DGI rules prohibit giving money to establishments that sell alcoholic beverages.

But then Dawn Cheny was running DGI at the time.

Oh, and I found this very popular link on Dawn Chaney...