Thursday, January 16, 2014

Do You Believe The City Of Greensboro Has Credibility Issues?

Well, do you?

The problem with manufacturing messages is that when opponents find out the message was manufactured then the person(s) responsible are shown to be liars and nothing else they say will be believed even if it is true. Credibility is hard to build, almost impossible to rebuild.

Need I say anything more?

Consider this yet another opportunity extended to Greensboro Mayor Nancy Baracat Vaughan to set the record straight on the many issues facing our city in which writers such as Roch Smith Jr,. Eric Robert, Joe Guarino, Jeff Martin, George Hartzman, myself and others have called the City of Greensboro to task on over the course of the last 2 years, Issues like the Greensboro Performing Arts Center, Incentives, Disclosure, the Bessemer Shopping Center, the Liberty Project, the Downtown Campus Project, the complete lack of real economic development planning for the eastern half of the city, manipulation and obstruction of public records and whatever my fellow writers would like to add.

Let it be known that every name mentioned in this post plus others will recieve an e-mail copy of this letter.

And tell the Mayor that this time it will be done on our terms.

Only then will Greensboro and Nancy Baracat Vaughan have credibility in the court of public opinion.

It's called revolution, Nancy. You inherited it but if you couldn't see it coming then you were never qualified to lead in the first place. And continuing to try to be everything to everybody will only hasten your fall.