Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Timmons Project Haystack Study

For those who might be interested the Project Haystack Study done by the Timmons Group headed up by Mike Solomon has found its way to me. Not being a religious man I view everything with skepticism but after reading the study which has no numbers to back up the various claims of economic prosperity that have been bandied about in the local media I suspect even my most religious conservative, Bible thumping readers will agree that Mr Solomon and his cohorts must think themselves Gods or at the very least, profits.

I now give you the Project Haystack Timmons Study. Read it and bow down to your new gods of economic prosperity.

/Sarcasm off.

And remember, Folks, Zack Matheny is pushing Project Haystack and 2 more megasites.

Sadly, the City of Greensboro paid $48,000 for this crap.