Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Thank You Greensboro

Remember when the Greensboro City Council voted a few years back to support a change in North Carolina state law that prohibited municipalities from operating their own taxpayer owned fiber optic networks? This is what we missed out on:

"Since the fiber-optic network switched on four years ago, the signs of growth in Chattanooga are unmistakable. Former factory buildings on Main Street and Warehouse Row on Market Street have been converted to loft apartments, open-space offices, restaurants and shops. The city has welcomed a new population of computer programmers, entrepreneurs and investors. Lengthy sideburns and scruffy hipster beards — not the norm in eastern Tennessee — are de rigueur for the under-30 set.

“This is a small city that I had never heard of,” said Toni Gemayel, a Florida native who moved his software start-up, Banyan, from Tampa to Chattanooga because of the Internet speed. “It beat Seattle, New York, San Francisco in building the Gig. People here are thinking big.”

I repeat, the people who run Greensboro are either morons, bimbos or crooks-- you decide which name fits best.

The solution:

"Until the Greensboro City Council takes the lead and reins in the real estate developers nothing will change as the developers can only think short term profits. They've cut their own throats and are too dumb to know they're bleeding us all to death-- themselves included."