Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Tony Wilkins Speaks Truth To Power

From the comments at Jeff Martin's Why CCFG Needs Collateral, Greensboro City Councilman Tony Wilkins shows true leadership when he says,

"Roch says: “the exposure for taxpayers can not be ignored”.
That’s an understatement.
I’ve tried to minimize that risk without success. I’m disappointed in myself for that. Just can’t get that fifth vote and the magic number is five.
And the Arts Stabilization Fund will be given approximately $274,000 a year regardless of taxpayer subsidy to the project.
And when the construction overruns or operating deficits occur (and they will, even if you believe the facility will average a sell out every four days as we’re told)- we’ll reach our hands into the pockets of our taxpayers, including the twenty per cent of our population living below the poverty level- and we’ll transfer it to the elite.
The only thing left to do is to obtain a cheerleading uniform that fits with matching pom poms and hope for the best.
And stop asking how to get to that Tanger Center in Mebane."

I'm with you Tony. Personally I've been advocating we boycott everything Steven Tanger has a hand in including Fresh Market. That's right boycott Fresh Market until Steven Tanger is removed from their board of directors and GPAC is 100% privately funded or dead.