Monday, March 3, 2014

Greensboro City Councilman Jamal Fox Found Innocent

Amanda Lehmert of the News & Record is reporting today that:

" An N.C. A&T investigation found no evidence that former adjunct professor Jamal Fox traded favorable grades for votes during his City Council campaign last year, according to a university spokeswoman.

However, Chancellor Harold Martin upheld a decision to “discharge” Fox from his teaching job for violating the university’s political participation policy, according to a document released by A&T on Monday. Fox didn’t appeal.

Despite the decision, Fox will be allowed to work for the university in the future, Provost Joe B. Whitehead Jr. said.

Fox said he wanted to clear his name to be able to teach again."

As usual, Amanda makes no mention in the News & Record of the billboard next to the A&T campus advertising Mr Fox's candidacy for months before the incident took place or the previous article in the campus newspaper, the A&T Register, entitled, Professor runs for city council, or the other evidence such as testimony by Fox's boss, Professor James Steele that cleared Jamal's name, A&T Chancellor Harold Martin and Provost Joe B. Whitehead Jr. were more that happy to jump in bed with Greensboro's political establishment back in October and even though all these facts were made public in the media, on blogs, Facebook and other social networking sites well before the election in November they wait until March to make their announcements putting off what should have been done the very same day in the hopes the public will forget.

Well Mr Martin and Mr Whitehead, your efforts to rig an election have been duly noted and are now part of your permanent record here on the Internet on the most well read blog in all of East Greensboro. Thank you for your service.