Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Housing Sales At Rock Bottom?

The news & Record is reporting today that housing sales are at rock bottom:

"You can chalk up the dismal sales to mixed signals from the economy, including a local job market in which many workers have simply stopped looking for work, much less buying homes. Home sales in Greensboro crashed beginning in mid-2007 from about 1,700 per month to about 250 in late 2012.

Recovery seemed near as sales revived during 2010 and 2013. But the most recent figures show another steep drop."

Of course that was followed by the usual BS about how things are going to turn around. Not so freaking fast:

Housing sales aren't at rock bottom, housing sales will continue to fall. As long as Greensboro continues to pursue a developer driven agenda of building empty industrial parks (We're #4 in the nation in the number of empty industrial parks under construction) you can expect this wagon in front of the horse approach to economic development to continue to fail and home sales to continue to fall.

As I've written may times before, Greensboro is the center of the 2nd hungriest metropolitan statistical area in the nation, has a poverty rate of over 21% and the highest unemployment of any comparable city in North Carolina.

Greensboro has no economic development plan. Greensboro has never had an economic development plan. Until now Greensboro has only persued a real estate development plan. My long running series, Incentives In Greensboro, proved that beyond any shadow of a doubt. Tomorrow I will present One Man's Dream, the beginnings of an economic development plan for Greensboro.

You will be welcome to add to it and help with corrections as needed. Then, instead of one man'd dream it will become the dream of many.