Friday, April 11, 2014

Could It Have Gotten Any Worse?

Councilman Wilkins wanted to see the top 2 salaries of all non profits funded by the City of Greensboro made public record. You know, just like the African-American non profits are forced to do.  Instead, the racist Mayor Vaughan and racist Council members Barber, Matheny and Hoffman lead a fight that unites the local blogisphere and social media in what may well become the biggest battle Greensboro's Elites have ever faced.

Council members are found to be running corrupt non profits that subsidize sporting industries, tax violations are found because Council members pointed us to Federal Form 990s and now the salaries of any non profit we even suspect might be funded by the City of Greensboro is subject to be posted online.

You can darn well believe a lot of political blood is going to spill before this one is over.

Look for that list to be published online quite soon be it by the City of Greensboro or by "some blogger." And if "some blogger" does it then you can consider the Greensboro City Council at fault for all the mistakes because they chose not to make the correct information publicly available.

No threats, just promises. Got it?