Monday, May 26, 2014

Fecund Stench On The Lam

Two law suits and last night's publishing of Jeff Martin's Criminal Record  has apparently pushed the notorious Fecund Stench over the edge and forced him into hiding as his newest blog, Carolina Under Siege,  hardly over a week old, as well as his previous blog, Fecund Stench, are now both protected blogs requiring users request access in order to read the contents of the blogs.

We also learn from Dr Mary Johnson who previously charged Mr Martin with Cyberstalking--that even before the incident took place she had expressed concerns to Mr Martin's wife, Jody Martin, the owner of a women's clothing store where Dr Johnson shopped:

"Indeed, shortly before "the night-of-27-e-mails", while I was still her customer, I spoke to Jodi Martin about her husband's legal problems. She expressed concerned and indicated he was getting help and getting better.

I just don't know what to say or think about Jodi now. I was very disappointed in the fact that she didn't immediately shut Jeff down when he turned on me. I have not set foot in her store since this happened. And I liked that store."

Jeff Martin is said to have deleted his Facebook and Twitter accounts.

"And confirm for us Brod, that you would have also killed your Facebook and Twitter accounts just to make sure you had done everything possible to insulate your family and business from potential attack."

We've since learned from police reports that rather than protecting his family from attacks, Jeffery Martin is their attacker.

Mr Martin has apparently been running roughshod over a great number of people for quite some time online and offline. But as of right now it appears he is the coward I've always believed him to be, hiding, even too scared to make himself available online for fear he might be found, another desperate criminal on the lam, another tyrant to fall to Tyrannicide.

Mercy? Until now his victims have been the elderly, women and mentally disabled-- why would I show him mercy? Why would anyone? There is but no cure for psychopathy and mercy cannot save them.