Friday, May 30, 2014

Greensboro Becomes More Business Friendly Despite Itself

In the past I've written of how the cost of a business privilege license is 10 times higher in Greensboro than in Burlington some 13 miles away and how I believed business privilege licenses and privilege license taxes were driving new and existing businesses away from Greensboro despite the fact that Councilman Zack Matheny said he'd never heard of an instance of Greensboro loosing a business due to higher taxes.

Well now, thanks to the North Carolina General Assembly, we no longer have to wonder which of us is right, Zack or myself.

As of today the folks in Raleigh voted to:

"... bans all city and county PLTs for tax years that begin on or after July  1, 2015.  If a local government uses a PLT tax year that begins on May 1 (or on any date prior to July 1), technically that local government could still levy 2015 PLTs because the ban will not yet have taken effect."

Good or bad it's gonna be harder to skim off the top starting next year, Zack. You might want to think about getting a real job.