Monday, June 2, 2014

Fred Gregory Given Long Leaf Pine

The News & Record is reporting today that my friend and reader, Fred Gregory has been given orders to plant a long leaf pine.

Earlier I spoke with Mr Gregory and he wasn't sure where he was going to plant it but like those before him who have planted long leaf pines, Maya Angelou, the Rev. Billy Graham, Michael Jordan. Betty Cone, Nido Qubein and Jim Schlosser, Fred was sure he could dig a deep hole somewhere and stick it in the ground.

State Rep. John Hardister presented the pine to Gregory, who was a special agent with the U.S. Department of Justice’s Drug Enforcement Administration for 25 years, while saying:

“He has certainly earned it,” Hardister said. “It is my honor to present him this honor.”

My only question is, Fred, who did you piss off?