Wednesday, June 11, 2014

What Is This, Allstate?

"Instead of a third floor walk up without furniture or occupancy, our crack creative economic development team decided it would be a better idea to entertain the 10th largest craft brewer in the country ( from California) in the clubhouse of a generic apartment complex. " I kid you not. 

These are the folks who run Greensboro-- morons.

And who wants to bet that not one location shown to Stone Brewing is in East Greensboro where unemployment is the highest overall and real estate the least expensive and closest to the railroad tracks the brewery will need to ship their beer by the most cost effective means.

You can thank Action Greensboro, Downtown Greensboro Inc, The Greensboro Partnership and Councilwoman Nancy Hoffman for putting efforts to sell Ms Hoffman's properties ahead of the needs of our city.